Tikal Fuse is a reach repository of open source projects and code samples that we collect in out day to day life and which we are happy to share with the global open source community. The main intent of this repository is to serve as an easy bootstrapping tool and a reach knowledge base for anyone wishing to get up and running quickly with new developments. or needs a sample on some specific technology.
The repository is organized in small projects (each of which is actually a git repository). The projects are different in nature, some of them are sample projects that we develop in our monthly workshop (therefor the name Fuse), some of them are actual projects that we develop for our own use and share them with you, and some are just code snippets of very cool stuff, and more and more.
You will find here projects written in different languages, from Java to Scala, .NET(only the unpaid stuff:)), ruby , python, flex ,django , java script, html .. the list is long, just go on and brows the repository.
most of our fuse projects are not production quality but are only demonstrating uses and solutions in some technology or another. In many cases you can use an example as a template for starting your own development. Where a project is production quality we will mention that in the project's wiki page. nevertheless, we do make a big effort in keeping high coding standards, publish only working and build-able examples, and documenting our work. please let us know of any bugs we have, or any suggestions and improvements that you think we should put into a specific project or to our fuse as a whole.
feel free to clone any project and modify as you wish for your own needs, we publish everything under open source licenses. if you are not comfortable working with git you can always download a zip/tar package from the Github project page.